Leadership Elite.
a transforming certificate program
Tuesday mornings 9:00 to 12 Noon
September 16 through November 4, 2025
Leadership is the most important aspect of organizational success.
Leaders provide vision. Leaders have the ability to lift others to tackle and complete tasks that seem impossible. Leaders influence our lives in deep and profound ways. Leaders change us and the organizations and industries in which they operate.
There is no simple leadership equation. There are, however, leadership principles and dimensions that each of us must explore, embrace and internalize if we are to become more effective leaders.
Leadership Elite is designed as an intense learning environment shared by Wichita State University’s most distinguished business educator, Dr. Gerald Graham.
Leadership Elite is an exclusive and rich learning experience that analyzes the best-selling book, First, Break All the Rules, based on research by the Gallup organization
Emphasizing the timeless qualities and behaviors of proven leaders, rather than the latest jargon and fads, you will see how your beliefs and practices match up with those of Colin Powell, Jack Welch, Lee Iacocca, Rudolph Guiliani, Sam Walton and Kendra Scott.
Using a customer response system as a tool for self-discovery, you will record your individual responses to a series of decision episodes throughout the course. At the end of the program, you’ll receive a personal profile portraying your flexibility, and how well you make decisions and apply solutions compared to a proven model for success.
Leadership Elite is designed for experienced managers and leaders who want to sharpen their existing skills, discover new solutions to age-old problems, or who want a jot of fresh enthusiasm at this point in their careers.
Leadership Elite will help you build and maintain a culture that promotes trust, integrity and high performance by:
- Giving you a framework and tools to strengthen your leadership
- Heightening your awareness of blind spots and behaviors that reduce your effectiveness
- Increasing your flexibility to influence people’s performance
- Interacting with your professional peers to share and learn from one another
- Providing a risk-free setting to debate, challenge and grow from interaction with a recognized expert
Read through the program evaluation summaries from participants that have completed the Leadership Elite program. Their comments will confirm the game-changer that this program can be for you.
Leadership Elite Spring 2022
“I really enjoyed the class and the format of the class. I would love to attend more classes like this. I definitely will use what I learned in the class to mentor my managers and team.” Thao Nguyen, Spirit Aerosystems
“I feel like this was the piece of the puzzle I was missing. I was a ‘different’ leader but was still missing/lacking in some areas. This was what I needed to be more effective with my team. I have been told by my direct reports that I am different from any other bosses they’ve had. I do believe one of my talents is leadership and CMD has taught me so much to improve that skill. Dr. Graham has been a mentor by providing so many of his experiences and I value everything I have learned. All of the instructors at CMD are leaders in their field. I would never have obtained the professional growth without these courses.” Mina Miller, 1st Level Manager, Spirit Aerosystems
Leadership: What is it?
Four leader styles
Which leader are you more like?
How adaptable is your style?
How to determine leader readiness
How Leaders Empower Subordinates
Why metrics are important
How to use the Q-12 Survey
Five suggestions for retaining high performers
Four ways to encourage empowerment
How Leaders Instill Trust within and between Departments
Do most employees change their core behaviors?
The four keys to successful leadership
Four symptoms of lack of trust
Three principles for increasing trust
The Role of Talent in Resolving Conflict and Improving Teams
Two common talent myths
Why you should select for talent
Why conflict resolution is critical
Four effective teamwork practices
Deal with Attitudes by Focusing on Outcomes
Why outcomes are more important than processes
Three instances where processes are critical
Four suggestions for improving outcomes
Three suggestions for dealing with employee attitudes
How to Improve Performance and Morale by Focusing on Strengths
How your personality impacts your leadership
Why strength-building works better than weakness-fixing
How to identify your strengths
Why coach stars?
How to handle marginal performers
Staff Development and Change
Four career-development cautions
Three ways to create heroes in every role
Five common organizational changes
Four reasons why employees resist some changes
Three strategies for implementing change
Five suggestions for handling mandated changes
Managing Performance
How to evaluate four selection tools
Four suggestions for checking references
Five suggestions for improving performance appraisals
How to use PIP’s more effectively
If you have missed a session of Leadership Elite, and you want to make it up in the next public session at CMD, you can do so for FREE.
Give CMD a call, and let us know you are wanting to attend a session, and we get you set up to attend
316.519-1347 or paula.seiwert@wichita.edu
If you did not receive your Leadership Elite Certificate because of a missed session, and you come back to us to make that session up, you will receive your certificate when you complete the 7th session of the eight.
Substitutions are free and must be done prior to the start of the class or certificate program.
Cancellations or rescheduling must be received in writing and full refunds will be given up to four business days prior to the start of class.
Any cancellation or reschedule submitted with three or less business days notice is subject to a $35 charge on 1 or 2 day classes and a $75 charge on certificate programs.
No refunds after the first day of the class or certificate program.